Mastering Energy Control: How to Harness Physical, Mental, and Emotional Energy for Optimal Performance

By |April 29th, 2023|Affirmation, anxiety, Blog, breath work, Cardio, Emdr, Fitness, Health, Mantra, Meditation, mens health, Stress, Trauma, Weights, wellness|

By Damien Rider All lessons in this process take a science-based and holistic approach to level-up your mind, body function and bring change to your [...]

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Breathe Easy: Training Techniques to Increase Your Oxygen Capacity

By |April 29th, 2023|Affirmation, anxiety, Blog, breath work, Cardio, Fitness, Health, Mantra, Meditation, mens health, Stress, Trauma, Weights, wellness|

By Damien Rider Ultra-endurance athletes train to increase oxygen capacity to help build the stamina required to push through challenging events-- many of which carry [...]

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