About damienrider

Extreme Adventure Athlete

Don’t Let Stress Control Your Life: Tips and Techniques to Release the Pressure

By |April 29th, 2023|anxiety, Blog, breath work, Health, Meditation, mens health, Stress, wellness|

By Damien Rider Inprevious blog's, we learned about stress in the lesson Understanding Stress. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain [...]

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Understanding the Science of Subconscious Actions

By |April 29th, 2023|anxiety, Blog, breath work, Cardio, Fitness, Health, Meditation, mens health, Stress, wellness|

By Damien Rider This Blog is about understanding what the subconscious is and the behaviors that come from the thoughts that you're not always aware [...]

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The Power of Positive Movement: Using Exercise to Combat Negative Self-Talk

By |April 29th, 2023|anxiety, Blog, breath work, Fitness, Health, Meditation, mens health, Stress, wellness|

By Damien Rider This blog is about challenging negative self-talk and learning more about the emotional component of pain. Negative Self-Talk & Pain Usually, negative [...]

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The Meaning and Power of Mantra OM: Exploring the Sacred Sound of the Universe

By |April 29th, 2023|anxiety, Blog, breath work, Cardio, Fitness, Health, Mantra, Meditation, mens health, Stress, Trauma, wellness|

By Damien Rider The mantra OM (pronounced like “aum”) is said to embody divine energy. This ancient Sanskrit letter is believed to have originated in [...]

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The Art of Letting Go: Why Detaching Your Mind is Important for Mental Health

By |April 29th, 2023|anxiety, Blog, breath work, Cardio, Fitness, Health, Mantra, Meditation, mens health, Stress, Trauma, wellness|

By Damien Rider Whether you feel physical pain or emotional pain, both the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex are activated in the brain. [...]

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